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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:01 PM // 19:01   #1
Ascalonian Squire
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Default Vow to fix economy

i am kinda bored with game so im going to collect high price items and sell to trader to fix the econmy if any body wants to help my in game name is Ejp Warrior

Last edited by ejp123; Aug 11, 2005 at 07:07 PM // 19:07..
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:06 PM // 19:06   #2
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fix the title, its economy not eonomy
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:15 PM // 19:15   #3
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The economy is fine. Stop complaining. Farm more to make $$$. It's just like real life. You want gold or items? You gotta go out and earn them.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:18 PM // 19:18   #4
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Originally Posted by OneArmedScissor
The economy is fine. Stop complaining. Farm more to make $$$. It's just like real life. You want gold or items? You gotta go out and earn them.
You sir, Are a bloody idiot.

I think hes refering to the Oh..I dont know..The NPC's giving horrible prices for Runes/dyes..Like Minor Energy Storage.Sells for 1.6K from the trader.

The trader will buy one for 25g.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:25 PM // 19:25   #5
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Originally Posted by Theus
I think hes refering to the Oh..I dont know..The NPC's giving horrible prices for Runes/dyes..Like Minor Energy Storage.Sells for 1.6K from the trader.

The trader will buy one for 25g.
Well, hey, the trader has thousands of 'em. HE'S not the one who needs them.

(Hint: There's a lot of room between 25g and 1.6K. Pick a number in between and offer it for that in the Trade channels.)
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:26 PM // 19:26   #6
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Originally Posted by Theus
You sir, Are a bloody idiot.

I think hes refering to the Oh..I dont know..The NPC's giving horrible prices for Runes/dyes..Like Minor Energy Storage.Sells for 1.6K from the trader.

The trader will buy one for 25g.
"You sir, Are a bloody idiot."
Eat your own words.

Last time I checked, there was absolutely NOTHING in the game that is forcing people to buy from traders/merchants/NPCs or sell their items to traders/NPCs.

If you're complaining about spending 1.6K on a minor rune of energy storage from a trader, then you're screwing yourself.
Why on earth would I spend 1.6K on that rune? I can spend 5 minutes looking for the same rune from PEOPLE. I could go into lion's arch right now and say "WTB: Minor rune of energy storage!" And probably 5 people would message me wanting something like 500 gold for it, etc.

Please stop crying about an imaginary problem.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:30 PM // 19:30   #7
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Excluding the trader for a minute:

One thing ALL could do to improve the player to player economy is:

--Charge reasonable prices for items that you want to sell! Collect things that are 1 or 2 off max damage/bonus and sell them for 100% markup from what the trader would buy them from you. That way, if he'd buy a 13-26 damage stormbow for 200 gp (haha)...sell it for 400 gp. That way, you've unloaded your inventory, you've helped someone get a decent weapon AND you've made 100% profit.

Telling buyers that an item won't be sold for less than 100k is ridiculous and the economy between players will improve dramatically if more reasonable prices are charged. (I'm not necessarily talking auctions here---if someone's willing to bid that amount, they need to pay it! )
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:39 PM // 19:39   #8
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Originally Posted by Aniewiel
Excluding the trader for a minute:

One thing ALL could do to improve the player to player economy is:

--Charge reasonable prices for items that you want to sell! Collect things that are 1 or 2 off max damage/bonus and sell them for 100% markup from what the trader would buy them from you. That way, if he'd buy a 13-26 damage stormbow for 200 gp (haha)...sell it for 400 gp. That way, you've unloaded your inventory, you've helped someone get a decent weapon AND you've made 100% profit.

Telling buyers that an item won't be sold for less than 100k is ridiculous and the economy between players will improve dramatically if more reasonable prices are charged. (I'm not necessarily talking auctions here---if someone's willing to bid that amount, they need to pay it! )

By posing these solutions, you imply that there is a problem. What is the problem? Seriously. There is no problem. If you're too lazy to spend 5 minutes searching for an item that other players in the game have via trading, then that is your personal problem. If people would take the time to get some initiative and go out and solve their own personal problems, we wouldn't have so many damn pointless threads about the economy, etc.

There is an economic principle called Supply & Demand. I suggest people look up this before they complain about people selling and buying items for over 100K, etc.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:41 PM // 19:41   #9
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Default Problem with Economy

The biggest problem with the economy in GW and the reason it remains broken is that supply is constant. In any real world economy if there was a high demand for something like, say, black dye, producers of dye would shift resources to making more black dye. In Guild Wars the rate at which Black Dye drops remains constant in spite of increased demand and so you have a shortage in the supply and thus the rediculously high prices. If ANet made it so that the color of dye that drops is proportionate to demand, the situation would be better.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:43 PM // 19:43   #10
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One Armed Scissor: I personally don't have a problem with the economy. I'm doing just fine, thank you very much. BUT...if people perceive a problem, then for them it is. Hence my suggestion to the OP. are quite passionate about this aren't you?

Frankly, my dear, I don't give a hoot about the economy since it doesn't bother me in the slightest. However, there is nothing wrong with people postulating about their own concerns. That said, might I suggest that, in the interest of your blood pressure, you not read the threads about the economy? Your angst against them is personal and these threads wouldn't go on so long if you stopped posting in them.

****No don't get your knickers in a knot. I really am just teasing you since in general, I agree.***
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:43 PM // 19:43   #11
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No economy problem?? What about the rampant inflation? A celestial sigil costs 99k from the trader right now (up from, i believe, around 5k originally). That puts it way out of reach of any but a large and high level guild, which would likely have a hall anyway.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:44 PM // 19:44   #12
Desert Nomad
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Originally Posted by sidepocket13
fix the title, its economy not eonomy
Is that a new kind of hominy? Mmmmm I like Hominy.

But, on the economy note I see no problem with it either. I see them placing more emphasis on players trading amongst each other instead of just quickly farming and turning it into to the merchants for high profits. This is a great way to make player to player trades more often and more prosperous. Now, I have a black dye for sale only 20k. Rediculously high prices are in the minds of only the "poor and the lazy". Those of us who get out there and earn our money have no issues with the economy. 100k is a drop in the bucket if you just get out there and "earn" it. Glad to see prices rising. Anxious to have your money in my coin purse. hehe

Last edited by Red Sonya; Aug 11, 2005 at 07:50 PM // 19:50..
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:46 PM // 19:46   #13
Lion's Arch Merchant
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Originally Posted by OneArmedScissor
Farm more to make $$$. It's just like real life.

Never spent much time on a RL farm, have you?

Originally Posted by Aniewiel
One thing ALL could do to improve the player to player economy is:

--Charge reasonable prices for items that you want to sell! Collect things that are 1 or 2 off max damage/bonus and sell them for 100% markup from what the trader would buy them from you. That way, if he'd buy a 13-26 damage stormbow for 200 gp (haha)...sell it for 400 gp. That way, you've unloaded your inventory, you've helped someone get a decent weapon AND you've made 100% profit.

Telling buyers that an item won't be sold for less than 100k is ridiculous and the economy between players will improve dramatically if more reasonable prices are charged.

I'm so glad there is at least one other person signed onto this game who thinks that turning a 100% profit over what the Merchant would give you for an item is quite fine.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:47 PM // 19:47   #14
Krytan Explorer
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or they can make a new dye color, dark grey, which looks like almost black from a distance, for those who can't afford black dye.

just like we have toyota echo for those people who cannot live without a car but cannot afford a Ferrari.

since we can't play the game without black dye, dark gray will have to do for now.

and god forbibben we have some items in a game not every player can afford starting from day 1.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:53 PM // 19:53   #15
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Unfortunantly, its not that easy to trade between players either. I was looking for a fiery bowstring today and found a few for sale. The first was from a person who was only going to sell it with his ascalon bow for 2.5k, I didnt want to pay 2.5k and not end up with the bow string, it also had a grip, so I said no.
The second guy selling one wanted to know how much it was worht, after I told him and offered him 1k for it, he said he was just looking for a PC, even though he was going to use it...
The final person I found selling one asked me to give him a price for the string, so I said "800 sound good to you?" To which I got laughed at....I then asked him how much he wanted for it then and he just started pulling out all the n00b instults he could think off.
The point is that I wouldn't have minded paying a bit more for it, as I had the cash and needed it, but when you get idiots like these people, its pretty hard to to get what you want. I mean what the heck is the point in asking for an offer and then just ignoring the buyer after he gives one.

That said, I personally dont mind the economy that much, it can be a pain, but, oh well...

Last edited by corax5; Aug 11, 2005 at 07:57 PM // 19:57..
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:53 PM // 19:53   #16
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Originally Posted by TomD22
No economy problem?? What about the rampant inflation? A celestial sigil costs 99k from the trader right now (up from, i believe, around 5k originally). That puts it way out of reach of any but a large and high level guild, which would likely have a hall anyway.
Try reading. There is NOTHING in the game that is forcing people to buy ANYTHING from NPCs. This is a FACT. You cannot argue with this FACT.
Why on earth would someone pay 99K for a sigil from an NPC, when he can get one from a real person for 60K, etc.???

Your argument holds no water what so ever.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:56 PM // 19:56   #17
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Originally Posted by OneArmedScissor
Try reading. There is NOTHING in the game that is forcing people to buy ANYTHING from NPCs. This is a FACT. You cannot argue with this FACT.
Why on earth would someone pay 99K for a sigil from an NPC, when he can get one from a real person for 60K, etc.???

Your argument holds no water what so ever.


I dont want to waste time trying to sell some Rune/Dye to some snotted nosed 12 year old.I just want to sell it and be on my way..But its pointless to sell to the NPC's if they make a 1000x profit.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:58 PM // 19:58   #18
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Originally Posted by corax5
Unfortunantly, its not that easy to trade between players either. I was looking for a fiery bowstring today and found a few for sale. The first was from a person who was only going to sell it with his ascalon bow for 2.5k, I didnt want to pay 2.5k and not end up with the bow string, it also had a grip, so I said no.
The second guy selling one wanted to know how much it was worht, after I told him and offered him 1k for it, he said he was just looking for a PC, even though he was going to use it...
The final person I found selling one asked me to give him a price for the string, so I said "800 sound good to you?" To which I got laughed at....I then asked him how much he wanted for it then and he just started pulling out all the n00b instults he could think off.
The point is that I wouldn't have minded paying a bit more for it, as I had the cash and needed it, but when you get idiots like these people, its pretty hard to to get what you want. I mean what the heck is the point in asking for an offer and then just ignoring the buyer after he gives one.

Sorry for your inconveinence, but I just went into Lion's Arch and typed in "WTB: Fiery Bow String!!!"
Within 15 seconds, I had 6 people whispering me.
Of those 6, 3 of them wanted 500 gold for it.
My point: don't get discouraged when you can't find the item you want that very instance. It can even take DAYS to find what you want, but still something like that bow string are more than abundant.
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Old Aug 11, 2005, 07:59 PM // 19:59   #19
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Originally Posted by Theus
I dont want to waste time trying to sell some Rune/Dye to some snotted nosed 12 year old.I just want to sell it and be on my way..But its pointless to sell to the NPC's if they make a 1000x profit.
time investment should be somewhat proportional to the profit.

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Old Aug 11, 2005, 08:01 PM // 20:01   #20
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Originally Posted by Theus

I dont want to waste time trying to sell some Rune/Dye to some snotted nosed 12 year old.I just want to sell it and be on my way..But its pointless to sell to the NPC's if they make a 1000x profit.
So instead of spending the time trying to trade an item to a person for more than what the NPC would give you, you come here to complain about the economy, etc. You were too lazy to try to trade the item, so you spent your time making a post about how the NPC doesn't give you crap for your items, etc.

Is it just me... or does the problem lie with peoples motivation and laziness?

Again... try reading.
THERE IS NOTHING IN THE GAME THAT IS FORCING PEOPLE TO SELL OR BUY ITEMS FROM NPCs! THIS IS A FACT! 95% of the arguments about the economy are completely pointless/useless/fruitless/meaningless once you realize this simple fact.
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